Classic Travertine from Italy


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Travertine is a type of limestone but differs in that it formed in a hot springs called karst. The sulphur content in the karst erodes the travertine creating holes in the stone. These holes are often filled with synthetic resins or cements that usually do not polish very well which often causes polished travertine to look inconsistent in appearance. Travertine tile is a natural material that has unique features that no other stone can offer and is commonly found in earth tones ranging from almost white and pale ivory to rich shades of red and brown, but can also be found in silver and reds. The distinctive design of Travertine creates some of the most distinguished floor tiles. Travertine is ideal for commercial and residential use. It can be used for floor tile, kitchen, bathroom wall tile, bathroom floor tile and more.Travertine has been used for decoration purposes ever since the architecture started to exist. Travertine is beautiful stone therefore it decorated buildings throughout many years. Ιt is possible to see that many generations of people admired the colour scale and durability of this stone.

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Additional information

Material Applications

Interior Walls, Other Countertop, Interior Floors, Kitchen Countertops, Wet Areas

Good to know

The images shown on this page are indicative of the colour and characteristics of our products but cannot be 100% representative. Being made from natural materials, every tile or slab is unique in terms of tonality, colour and characteristic. These are all subject to variation depending on the type of stone and the conditions in the quarry from where it comes.

Critical to know

It’s critical to know what to expect with natural stone prior to making a selection.
1. All natural stone has inherent characteristics; it is natural; and therefore always imperfect. (Or perfectly imperfect, depending upon your view.)
2. Some materials are easier to maintain than others. Be careful to consider these details prior to choosing your material.
3. The appearance of natural stone will always patina over time. Without exception.
4. All natural stone should be set properly, sealed and maintained. This requires a well-researched setting, sealing and maintenance specification in order to avoid surprises.